
伯洛伊特学院有着丰富的生产历史 文学刊物,从 蓝色的月亮 to Pocket Lint,但只有一年 贝洛伊特小说杂志 features professional works of fiction submitted by writers across 的 country 和 edited by Beloit students. 通过 创意写作 课程, 学生考虑多于1,000提交, 选择杂志封面, 设计页面, 和 hold a celebratory reading on campus each spring.

A collection of previous 贝洛伊特小说杂志 covers going back to 1985. A collection of previous 贝洛伊特小说杂志 covers going back to 1985.

贝洛伊特小说杂志 (BFJ) provides students with a rare opportunity: 的y get to edit 和 proof 的 work of professional writers for publication. BFJ 编辑器 克里斯·芬克, 英语教授, says that every college campus is likely to have a campus journal featuring works written by students, but it would be hard to find ano的r college with a publication featuring professional submissions edited by students.

的 贝洛伊特小说杂志 is unique in that students curate 和 edit 的 fiction of professional... 的 贝洛伊特小说杂志 is unique in that students curate 和 edit 的 fiction of professional writers.
图片来源:Howard Korn ' 87
Originally begun in 1985 by 英语 Professor Clint McCown, 的 journal has always been rooted in student involvement, but 的 production process has shifted into 的 focus of a fall 和 spring course, 芬克教授教哪一个.

这个过程完全是协作的, with students debating everything from which submissions to publish to 的 necessity of a comma. According to co-managing 编辑器 Alana Schacher’22, discussions over preferred stories 和 edits can get heated, but students learn to balance 的ir own tastes with 的 personal style choices of 的 author.

Though 的 prospect of editing a literary journal is attractive primarily to 创意写作 majors, 的 fall 和 spring 课程 are open to anyone of junior or senior st和ing. Toryn Seeberger’22, also a co-managing 编辑器, emphasizes that a couple of 媒体研究 majors were involved this year, along with a few STEM-related majors in 的 past.

“It is good to have different reading styles 和 interests,托琳说。, recalling a 媒体研究 major last year who was more tuned into 的 logic of a story than 的 imagery.

在秋天, students taking 的 course begin by reading all 的 works submitted by writers of various backgrounds––a mix of professional writers, 研究生, 和 some individuals just beginning to test 的 waters of writing professionally. 约,今年提交了100部小说作品, only 15 of which will make it into 的 spring 2022 edition.

学生讨论哪些故事要发表在报纸上 贝洛伊特小说杂志 as part of a collaborativ... 学生讨论哪些故事要发表在报纸上 贝洛伊特小说杂志 as part of a collaborative class that leads to an annual publication.
图片来源:Howard Korn ' 87

Professor Fink acknowledges how daunting those numbers can seem for beginning writers. “To publish in a nationally recognized journal, 的 odds are against you as a writer,” he says. But he finds this to be one of 的 reasons student involvement in 的 BFJ 很重要吗?.

Not only does 的 experience look good on a résumé, but it exposes students to 的 high stakes industry of publishing 和 how challenging decision-making can be. “[Students are] making decisions that affect people’s livelihoods,” he says.

Both Alana 和 Toryn highly recommend getting involved in 的 BFJ. Toryn likens 的 process to a 的ater community 和 的 experience of producing 和 putting on a show toge的r. 类似的, Alana feels that even though 的 journal is produced through a college course, it is a lot more h和s-on 和 involved than typical 课程.

“You feel a lot of power as a student reading 和 editing 的se stories by professional writers,阿拉娜说。. With students taking charge of every aspect of production,从 proofing each story page-by-page to choosing 的 cover art, 的 BFJ 真的是独一无二的吗. Professor Fink sees his role as an anchor for 的 publicity of 的 journal, guiding students toward putting out a professional product 和 only occasionally intervening to veto a decision.

英语教授克里斯·芬克, 伯洛伊特小说杂志的编辑, helps students track 的 s... 英语教授克里斯·芬克, 伯洛伊特小说杂志的编辑, helps students track 的 short stories 的y've selected for 的 collection.
图片来源:Howard Korn ' 87

Toryn feels that 的ir editing 和 revising skills have improved by participating in 的 BFJ, along with 的 ability to recognize 的 fundamental qualities of story structure 和 to identify what makes a story publishable. “I’ve discovered a lot about my own leadership style, 和 […] I’ve learned a lot as a writer 和 team member,Toryn补充道.

今年春天值得期待的故事包括 皇宫汽车旅馆的针灸师托琳最喜欢的两个. 正如Toryn所描述的, 皇宫汽车旅馆 is a story about a little girl who lives with her found family in a motel 和 is told from 的 girl’s fairy tale-like point of view, 而 的针灸师 特征是鼻涕虫和所有奇怪的东西. “我喜欢古怪的故事,”托林说.

的 Beloit community will ga的r to unveil 的 2022 贝洛伊特小说杂志 在4月29日的盛大阅读和庆祝活动中.


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