
校友艺术成就奖, 人权, Public Service

在六月一个晴朗的星期六早晨, alumni gathered with their classes to march into Eaton Chapel for the 校友 Assembly during Reunion festivities. 一组带着一只充气企鹅. 还有人戴着格劳乔(Groucho)眼镜.

Even College 斯科特·比尔曼总裁 started to address the crowd in the Chapel, 然后停下来说他需要眼镜, 都是格劳乔·马克思那种. 人群中有人喊“ELMOS”!” referring to the Basic Elmos, some of whom were in the house (wearing Groucho specs). The Elmos were known for their madcap pranks during the 1970s.

Highlights of the assembly included the awarding of three Distinguished Service Citations and one Young 校友 Award. Among those to receive the DSC, the 校友 Association’s highest honor, were producer and director 约翰Pasquin 67, best known for his work with actor Tim Allen in 家居装饰 还有三部曲 圣诞老人 comedy films, though his accomplishments also extend to the stage. 女演员JoBeth Williams, Pasquin的妻子, introduced him as “a director that actors love to work with.” Pasquin recounted how he had been trying to understand why he deserved an award for service. “What I do as a director is tell stories, and that, I guess, is a service. Telling stories in whatever form helps keep us alive and connected.”

玛格丽特·"玛姬"·尼格伦87年的, executive director and CEO of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, was introduced for the honor by her husband John Cassels’87, who called her “singularly formidable and approachable.” The organization Nygren leads is a major education advocate for people with disabilities. “I am what I am because of 贝洛伊特,” she said. “I learned how to think and how to base coalitions around the common good.” Nygren has influenced the outcomes of the U.S. Supreme Court and federal court decisions through position statements and amicus curiae briefs to the courts.

Susan McClellan’63 introduced Distinguished Service Citation recipient 杰米布拉姆菲尔德92年. McClellan was Brumfield’s elementary schoolteacher and pointed her toward 贝洛伊特. Brumfield’s service to the college is extensive and spirited. She’s officially served on the alumni board, but informally she’s the college’s greatest cheerleader, 无论是当面还是在社交媒体上. 她和她的丈夫, 大卫Birdwell 94, 拥有并运营你的B计划, 这是一家位于芝加哥的网页设计公司. After taking a selfie with the audience, Brumfield led an impromptu “Go 贝洛伊特” cheer. “I will always be cheering for 贝洛伊特 every single day,” she said.

安妮·马勒92 is senior vice president for public partnerships for Teach for America, where she began her career as a bilingual teacher in the Rio Grande Valley—after graduating from 贝洛伊特 and before going to law school. 英语教授Diane Lichtenstein, 是谁给马勒颁奖的, recalled that she had saved one of Mahle’s papers for years. “When I reread it, I thought: ‘What a talented and inspired person.’” Mahle called her experiences at Teach for America “a through line,在她的生活中, but she also mentioned eight 贝洛伊特 faculty and staff by name for their advice and mentorship.

In one of the most moving presentations in recent memory, Manger Professor of International Studies Beth Dougherty introduced the Young 校友 Award, 结果是 Zainab Alkhawaja 07年 缺席. A citizen of the Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain, Alkhawaja was a central figure in the 2011 peaceful protests during the Arab Spring. On the streets and through her 推特 handle “Angry Arabiya,” she gave voice to the Bahraini majority against government corruption and the deportation, 酷刑, 以及对公民的不公平监禁. Her activism, however, has come at a great personal cost. 她因自己的观点而受到抨击, 入狱11次, 与家人分离, 现在流亡丹麦. Dougherty read a powerful letter from Alkhawaja that, 在结论部分, 让校友们都站了起来.


The 校友 Office encourages nominations for Distinguished Service Citations and Young 校友 Awards. 用这个名字发一封电子邮件, 类一年, and notable achievements of the individual(s) you wish to nominate, 或者通过大学网站提交. Nominations are accepted for graduates of any year, but individuals are considered for awards on their 10th, 25th, 或者50周年聚会. The official award criteria is for “overall achievements, 职业生涯中的个人成长, 优秀的公民, 文化, and professional / business service that reflect credit on 十大菠菜台子.”


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